Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Athlete Profile: Brooke Seneshen

Hometown: Winnipeg

What position(s) do you play: Pitcher

Nickname: My dad calls me scooter

What College/University have you committed to attending in 2013: Galveston College; On the coast of Texas

What is the softball team’s name/colors: rust orange, blue and white

What division and/or conference is your school: NJCAA Div1

What are you wanting to study at school: psychology and nutrition

What are some of your softball dreams and goals: To make team Toba and maybe eventually a Canadian national team

What are you most excited about when you think about going to College: Change of scenery

What character trait do you value most in your teammates: hard working and competitive

Favorite Quote: Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting that timing. –Warren Spahn
Other than softball, some of my other hobbies and passions are: volleyball and socializing

Other sports I have played are: volleyball and basketball

Most memorable sporting experience: Between winning NAFA in 2012 or the Cat Osterman in 2010

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