Saturday, February 9, 2013


6 days left to register for Team Canada Tryouts...

I love being around people that dream Big!  People that verbalize their dreams and goals as though just saying it outloud means they are more committed to following through.  It is inspiring and I am fortunate enough to work with some in our Team Toba Program!

However, there are also those athletes who sound defeated or apologetic about what they wish they could accomplish.  They need to realize that they are only limited by their own mindset!  If you believe you won't make it, if you believe you can't play at the next level, then you for sure won't!

How easily we give up on our dreams...

This coming summer the Junior and Senior National Teams are having open tryouts and it would be great to have lots of Manitoba athletes who are keen to TRY!

I know there are barriers for some to tryout.  At the U21 age, a lot of athletes are supporting themselves financially and adding a flight and hotel for a tryout is tough to wrap your head around.  However, well finances can be a real issue for some, over the years I have noticed that those athletes who frequently complain about their money situation are usually the same ones who will easily go and drop 100-200$ at Holister or F21 on any given day.  It comes down to priorities and SACRIFICE. 

How badly do you want it?  If this is a life long dream, then you have to go for it.  You may not make it, but the more experience you have "doing" tryouts, the better chance you will have in the future.  Many athletes have tried out for years before they made it so don't give up on your DREAM!


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