Monday, February 11, 2013

Know the Rules- Part 5

Last Week's Question:

We all know that "catcher obstruction" occurs when the catcher (or actually any other defensive player!) obstructs, hinders or prevents the batter from striking at or hitting a pitched ball.

Imagine that your team has a runner on second base when the batter swings at a pitch, hits the catcher's outstretched glove in the process, and hits a foul ball.

a)  What is the result for the batter?
b)  What is the result for the runner standing on second base?

The answer:

a)  The batter gets to advance to first base.  Had the ball been hit fair, then it is called an "option play". If the batter was out at first, the umpire would have her arm out for "delayed dead ball", call "time", call "catcher obstruction", deal with the other coach who would probably be arguing the call and then award first base.  If the batter was safe at first base, they would get to stay there.  If they safely got to second base, then they would stay there as well.
b)  The runner standing on second base would stay on second base, because there was no runner on first base to force them over to third. 

This Week's Question:

A batter hits a weenie pop fly up the line between home and first base.  The first baseman is struggling to see the ball in the sun.  As the ball begins its descent, she is straddling the baseline.  She reaches into foul territory where the ball hits the tip of her glove, then hits her left foot, and rolls into the infield.
Is this a fair or a foul ball?

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