Sunday, February 3, 2013

Know the Rules- Part 4

Last week's question:

As the pitcher goes to pitch the ball, they lose their grip and the ball slips from their hand and trickles off towards the shortstop.

a)  What is the call on that pitch?
b) Can any runners advance on this pitch?

The answers:

a)  This is called  a "dropped ball" and a ball is declared on the batter.
b)  Yes, any baserunners can advance on this pitch at their own risk because the ball remains in play.  This highlights the fact that as a baserunner you always need to be paying attention!  Pitches like this can often cause confusion so you need to be ready to take advantage of this opportunity.

This week's question:

We all know that "catcher obstruction" occurs when the catcher (or actually any other defensive player!) obstructs, hinders or prevents the batter from striking at or hitting a pitched ball.

Imagine that your team has a runner on second base when the batter swings at a pitch, hits the catcher's outstretched glove in the process, and hits a foul ball.

a)  What is the result for the batter?
b)  What is the result for the runner standing on second base?

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