Saturday, November 24, 2012


Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba

What school do you attend: Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, South Dakota

What position(s) do you play: Catcher

What year are you in: Freshman (1st)

Nickname: Mock 95/Canada

What is your Major/Minor or Field of Study: My major is Elementary Education and I'm minoring in Coaching.

What is the softball team’s name/colors: We're home of the Tigers and our colours are blue, white and black.

What are 5 things you appreciate about your school and/or softball program?

1. Teachers care about you, you're not just a number here.
2. Coaches push us and focus in on what you need to work on. However, they're also able to work with what's comfortable for us.
3. Everyone is extremely friendly; you meet so many new people.
4. You're never bored! The school always has something for you to go and do.
5. There's always someone here who's willing to help you with whatever you need. If it's school or something personal there's always someone to talk to.

Best part of being in College is: Being independent.

What are some of your softball dreams and goals: Winning our conference and placing top four at nationals. In the long run, with a lot more work, I'd like to someday make the Senior Canadian National Softball team.

What places have you travelled to with your College team: Surrounding towns/states so far. We also have a trip planned to California in the spring.

The part of my game that I would like to improve is: I would like to have quicker feet behind the plate. That would help improve a lot of smaller things as well.

What character trait do you value most in your teammates: I admire their support and perseverance. You can't get down on yourself without someone being there to check you and realize you can't let it effect more of your game.

What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you went off to College: Don't bring your entire wardrobe! Also, be prepared to manage your time right from the get go. You have a lot going on so get things done early!

What advice would you offer younger players who are seeking a softball scholarship: Get yourself out there. Go to clinics, talk to coaches and use recruiting websites. It may feel like a lot but if no one knows your name you'll get no where. Help them, help you.

Favorite Quote: "Everyone can play the game, but few can change it."

What do you miss most about being away from Home: Home cooked food, my bed, and not seeing my family and friends in person.
If you could spend a day with any one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why: I would spend the day with anyone of my cousins. They all live far away and I never see them anymore. Family is very important to me so it's unfortunate that we're all split up.

Other than softball, some of my other hobbies and passions are: Volleyball used to be a big part of my life. Also, I love travelling. Whether it be with family or with my teams I like getting to see new places in the world.

Other sports I have played are: My other main sports were volleyball and basketball.

Most memorable sporting experience: I would have to say, so far, my first year of college. And it's just started!

One thing you need to survive in college? A laptop and a good pillow.

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