Friday, June 12, 2015

Athlete Profile: Cameryn Maykut

Hometown: Winnipeg
What position do you play: shortstop
Nickname: Cam, Cammy
What school do you attend: Charleswood Junior High, next year I am going to Shaftsbury High School
What year will you graduate: 2018
What are your softball dreams and goals: This year I would like to be provincial champions, repeat as National champions and win a gold medal at the WCSG.  Long term plans would be to earn a scholarship to play through my university years
What character traits do you value most in a teammate: encouraging, hard working, upbeat, and a positive attitude
Why do you love softball: the team work and team mates, travel and tournaments, the feeling of a good hit or good defensive play
Favorite quote: “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything”
If you could spend a day with anybody who would it be and why: My Grandpa Charlie; I never got the chance to meet him and I would like to and have him come and watch a ball game
Other than softball, some of my other hobbies are: volleyball, Harry Potter
Other sports I have play are: I currently play volleyball for Kryptonite and I have played a variety of school sports throughout the years
My most memorable sporting experience: becoming the 2014 National Fastball Champions defeating the hometown White Rock Renegades 5-1 in the finals
Other memorable experiences and opportunities fastball has brought: Segway rides in Montreal, visiting the bean and Navy Pier in Chicago, going to the Field of Dreams in Iowa, and attending Minnesota Twins and Kansas City Royals games

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