Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hometown: Warren, Manitoba

What school do you attend:
University of Manitoba

What position(s) do you play:

What year are you in:
2nd  year

Nickname: Sami Sosa, Sam Bam

What is your Field of Study: Nursing

What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you went off to College: As much as you think you’re missing out on things at home, it will always be there. Live a little and enjoy the experience.

What are 5 things you appreciate about your school: The facilities, the environment, the resources available, the events and the diversity.

Best part of being in College is: You get to test yourself and step out of your comfort zone. You will learn that you are capable of more than you thought you were.

What are some of your softball dreams and goals: To medal with Team Toba and to never get too old to pick up my glove and step on the field.

What character trait do you value most in your teammates: Support, trust and a positive outlook. I like to step on the field knowing that no matter what, my teammates have my back. 

Favorite Quote: Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. –Les Brown 

If you could spend a day with any one person who would it be and why: My Nanny. She and I were really close and she would rarely miss a softball game. I wish just once more that I could look up in the stands and see her cheering on my team.

Other than softball, some of my other hobbies and passions are: Studying…well it isn’t really a hobby, but it is what unfortunately takes priority over the things I actually enjoy doing like: Running, Volleyball, scrapbooking, traveling and spending time with my family and friends.

Other sports I have played are: Volleyball, badminton and cross-country. 

Most memorable sporting experience: Nationals 2011. We knew it would be one of the last times all of us would be on the field together playing at that level. The emotions of that week and the way our team pulled together is something I will never forget! 

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