Sunday, February 17, 2013

Know the Rules- Part 6

 Last Week's Question:

A batter hits a weenie pop fly up the line between home and first base.  The first baseman is struggling to see the ball in the sun.  As the ball begins its descent, she is straddling the baseline.  She reaches into foul territory where the ball hits the tip of her glove, then hits her left foot, and rolls into the infield.

Is this a fair or a foul ball?


This is a FOUL ball.  In any case, whether it's this weenie pop fly or a long fly ball down the line in the outfield, it doesn't matter where the player is standing.  All that matters is where the ball is when the first contact is made.  And in this case if the ball hit the fielder's glove in foul territory, then it is a foul ball.  End of story.

This Week's Question:

An appeal play is when an umpire can't make a decision on a play until requested by a player or coach from either the defensive or offensive team.  An example of one appeal play is when a baserunner misses a base, the defensive team must request that the play is reviewed, as the umpire cannot make a call until that request is made.  Another example is when a replacement player enters the game without reporting to the umpire first (by either the player or their coach).

There are 11 appeal plays in total.  Can you name the other 9?

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