Friday, December 7, 2012

COLLEGE SERIES: Baylie Gigolyk

Hometown: Ile des Chenes, Manitoba

What school do you attend: University of Ottawa

What position(s) do you play: Outfield, Second Base, Third Base, Pitcher

What year are you in: First year

Nickname: Bay, Bee, Winnipeg

What is your Major/Minor or Field of Study: Biochemistry with no minor!

What is the softball team’s name/colors: The University of Ottawa Gee Gees! In case you were wondering, Gee Gee means the first horse out of the gate at a race. Also, since our colours are garnet and grey/(white), the French people used to say "gee-gee", and that's how we got our name.

What are 5 things you appreciate about your school and/or softball program? 1) My school is massive and has so much going on, I really love all of the different things that I can go to and/or support. 2) Even though my softball program isn't considered varsity, my team still makes the most of our short season and works hard every single practice. 3) My coaches....Again, even though were not considered varsity and my coaches are volunteer, they put so much time and effort into making us better athletes. 4) The location of my school... I'm right in downtown Ottawa, which is awesome because I live five minutes away from Parliament hill and many interesting museums which are free on Thursdays! Woo! 5) My team... they were very welcoming and I really bonded with all of them despite my season only being 8 weeks long. My team really all shares the love of the game and were all playing without scholarships. To me, that shows a lot.

Best part of being in College is: The freedom...Even though I'm very busy with school work.

What are some of your softball dreams and goals: I want to play for team Manitoba and go as elite as possible, but overall, I want to enjoy the game for as long as possible.

What places have you travelled to with your College team: Toronto, Mississauga, London

The part of my game that I would like to improve is: The ability to get out of a slump quicker. Whenever I get into a slump, I let it last longer than it should.

What character trait do you value most in your teammates: They keep me positive in every single game and never let me get too down on myself.

What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you went off to College: It's hard work, come prepared.

What advice would you offer younger players who are seeking a softball scholarship: Work hard and make sure you find a school that suits you well. If you and the school don't match, you won't be happy and won't enjoy your college experience.

Favorite Quote: You can't win until you learn how to lose. -Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

What do you miss most about being away from Home: Everything, but mostly my family and how I feel like I don't have to be so responsible all the time.

If you could spend a day with any one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why: Ken Dryden. Not only was he a goaltender for my favourite hockey team, the Montreal Canadiens, but he also become professional at other things like politics, law and in writing. I appreciate that he didn't focus on one thing, rather he became good at a bunch of things.

Other than softball, some of my other hobbies and passions are: Exercising, reading, being with friends and family

Other sports I have played are: Ringette, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer.

Most memorable sporting experience: All of the times I have seen Makensy Payne get hurt.

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