Friday, November 9, 2012

COLLEGE SERIES: Brittany Hince Siwicki

Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba

What school do you attend: University of British Columbia

What position(s) do you play: Short Stop, 3rd and 2nd

What year are you in: Freshman (1st)
Nickname: Six Pack Patty, Schwickity, Shwicks

What is your Major/Minor or Field of Study: Sciences

What is the softball team’s name/colors: UBC Thunderbirds, blue/white/ yellow

What are 5 things you appreciate about your school and/or softball program?

- UBC athletics and the coaches truly care about the athletes and look after your well being as well as your academics.
- They have reasonable teams/athlete rules that establish a level of respect and responsibility to your teammates and coaches.
- The softball team is my family, if you ever need anything they are always willing to help in any way.
- The first year profs really do care about the success of every student and make themselves as available as possible to provide help.
- The campus is beautiful and the people in my dorm are amazing, I couldn't ask for a better environment to be in.

Best part of being in College is: having freedom, you learn to be very independent and it helps develop you as an individual

What are some of your softball dreams and goals: To be accepted onto the 2013 Team Manitoba Games Team. To have a successful university season by always contributing 100% effort and continuing to improve my softball skills with every practice and drill I participate in. To one day coach softball and hopefully to establish a university softball team in Manitoba to allow more athletes to continue playing the sport we all love.

What places have you traveled to with your College team: I have not done any travelling with the Thunderbirds yet, but in the spring I will be travelling to California, Oregon (4 times), and Arizona!

The part of my game that I would like to improve is: My consistency as a hitter, my back hand as a fielder and my mental game.

What character trait do you value most in your teammates: I value dedication in my teammates. It is important that a team be committed to improving personally and as a unit, because only then can they achieve success.

What is one thing you wish someone had told you before you went off to College: All the little details about what to expect as both a student and an athlete at university. Such as all the extra time commitments that come up throughout the year that you often don't find about till a few days before!

What advice would you offer younger players who are seeking a softball scholarship: Talk to your coaches about their experiences and see if they know of any opportunities available and don't be afraid to approach a coach and just ask about their school, you have to be willing to advertise yourself as an athlete.

Favorite Quote: "Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out" and "The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making excuses, that's the day you start to the top"

Other than softball, some of my other hobbies and passions are: drawing/painting, volleyball, baking, and spending weekends at the cottage relaxing

Other sports I have played are: Cross country, Track, Badminton, Basketball and Volleyball

Most memorable sporting experience: Hitting the game winning homerun in the 2011 provincial finals. It was the situation that every softball/baseball athlete only dreams of, bottom of 7, full count, 2 outs and the winning runs on 2nd and 3rd. I hit the homerun clear over the fence just right of center field. I can still see that moment in my mind and feel the energy from it when i think about it!

What is the most rewarding part about being an elite athlete: It is rewarding to see all the time and effort you have put into training pay off when you get the chance to play games and show off your skills. At UBC we have "training camp" from September until December and it involves a lot of hours and hardwork. When the playing season begins in the spring, all the effort that the team puts in now are going to pay off. The games should be an athletes reward for all the hardwork they have put forth in training!

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